Friday, 23 March 2018

What type of fake Complaints you may find about Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Hospital?

The power of social media is anonymously huge, and we are just unfolding the upper layers right now. If used rightly it can either create a superpower or break a superpower. One post reaches billions and influences millions so it holds a lot of brand building power. But, this power comes with a darker side. People can use the powers of social media and turn your life upside down. One targeted post can change your course of life. Various industries have identified it as a medium of eliminating competition though unethical posts and fictional complaint.


Initial fake news spread through social media

The latest event identified was the spread of fake complaints against Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Hospital in the social media. These Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Hospital Complaints were spread through different forms of social media posts. The first set of complaints immersed on the internet were related to the discourteous staff and bad behavior by the reception area. The complaints clearly indicate the staff to be rude as if they were the policeman and the patients were the criminals. And that is absolutely false. Hundreds of patients visit every day, a part of them are foreigners too and everyone claims the staff to be extremely friendly. In fact, it’s the first thing any cured patient writes.

Hygiene factor

The second question was put up about the hospital's hygiene. The complaints featured the lack of cleanliness in the personal as well as the shared wards, no change of bedsheets, lack of toilet hygiene, and of soaps etc. It's pretty obvious that a hospital named as the best cancer treatment hospital can’t jeopardize its situation for the sake of spare soaps. Out of all this, one was the most baseless allegation. The cancer center has gained numerous awards like the Best Oncology Hospital in India and The Most Trusted Cancer Hospital in India. So, it's again a matter of common sense, a hospital without hygiene cannot win such titles.

Doctor’s expertise

The third complaint was also the most shameful thing a hospital could be alleged for- Questions on the doctor’s expertise. The complaint took the senior most doctors and without any background check claimed them to be not knowledgeable and avoiding patient’s questions. The hospital has cured 2 lakh patients and now people think the doctors are not good enough, is just idiotic. This complaint showed, how less research can destroy your bad intentions on social media.


The fourth and the last type of complaint was regarding the rusting technology. The complaints claim the hospital lacks the appropriate technology and the existing machinery was not working. To be frank, hundreds of people visit the premises, they don’t just visit to talk. Some people are there for radiation therapies, some for chemo sessions, and some for surgeries. If they didn’t have the right equipment how could these medical treatments take place at a large scale.
All these fictional allegations were just a poor attempt to taint the institution as incompetent and divert all their patients to their premises.

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